Support Our Work
When you support our work at WDN and WDN Action, you are investing in a critical part of our progressive infrastructure. You are renewing your commitment to collective action with women change-makers and opening yourself up to unparalleled learning opportunities.
We’re changing the face of American politics, bolstering Black-led and other BIPOC movements across the country, incubating new ideas, and mobilizing resources to support work that builds power where it’s desperately needed. And yet, there are SO many more grantees who are poised to do transformational work if they have the resources. As we approach the 2022 and 2024 elections, now is the time to double down on your power.
Recommit to our work in 2022. Click here to download pledge forms for WDN and WDN Action, or make a contribution online today.
Interested in joining the network? Please contact us at info@womendonors.org or visit womendonors.org/join.